The Sensible Dress

The Sensible Dress


Asymmetric Tshirt-dress on 100% cotton and velvet. Super comfy and versatile.

SIZE S-M - Unisex


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Hey, have a nice day! Limited-edition collection was born with the mindset to rescue garments destined to get incinerated or sent to a landfill. Instead, we recreated these garments and improved the look by incorporating repurposed and upcycled materials from past collections.

We ended with a melange/collage of styles, colors, textures and fabrics that turned the garments into a different one, a unique one, a nicer one, a better one.

Somehow these pieces reflect ourselves by evolving and becoming a different self, a unique self, a nicer self, a better self.

And this is why it is a great day!

Hye, have a nice day!


Hye, have a nice day! 😃