

Anthracite was presented at the Vancouver Fashion Week and Toronto Men’s Fashion Week.


The Anthracite collection is a portrayal of the phases of metamorphosis. Black diamonds stride indefinitely in an endless journey of the wind that erodes, cuts, moulds, and transforms while caressing the water and our dreams.

Anthracite top



Inner Motions


When feelings change, you move.

When feelings shift, you move.

When time matures, you move.

When you move, you adjust.

When you alter, you innovate.

When you innovate, you create.

You create new senses to keep on moving on.

Then, we e v o l v e. 

(A story with contemporary dancer Sahara Morimoto @saharamomo

Special Thanks to Andrea Mus and OSC.


The Arrival


Of love, of disappointment, of happiness, loneliness, of change, of anything that this life offers us every day

Photography by @juan_padilla_tana_banana